Chocolate Ganache Recipe

Chocolate Ganache is a glaze, icing, or filling for pastries made from chocolate and cream.(wikipedia).
Chocolate Ganache is abosultely a wonderful really delicious , sweet and delighting filling for any kind of cake or dessert you are making. Chocolate Ganache Recipe is not even hard to follow, you just need to be a bit more careful if you want it not be a mess. Here is one simple Recipe for Chocolate Ganache.

  • 2/3 cup heavy Whipping Cream
  • 1 cup Semisweet Chocolate Chips
  • Melt chocolate chips with cream at a  low heat in a heavy Saucepan.
  • Remove from heat when completely melted and then Refrigerate stirring the chocolate occasionally.
  • Refrigerate it for about 40 minutes so that it becomes thickened and pourable ganache. 
  • Pour over cake/(your dessert), allowing some to flow down the edges to completely coat. 
  • Spread the ganache evenly over the surface with a spatula if necessary. Chill until set.

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