Homemade Hot Chocolate

Homemade Hot Chocolate
Homemade Hot Chocolate is a very easy to prepare recipe, and it will taste just like the one you order in a cafe. 
This Homemade Hot Chocolate Recipe I will be serving today will be enough to serve 12 cups. So let's start making these Chocolaty and Healthy Drink.

  • 1/2 cup Cocoa
  • 1 tsp. Vanilla
  • 1/2 gallon Milk
  • 1 cup Sugar
  • 3 cup Water
  • Whipping Cream or Marshmallows 
  • Combine cocoa, sugar, and water in a 10-quart kettle.
  • Stir it until heated under medium heat and then add Milk.
  • Heat the mixture until steaming.
  • Your Hot Chocolate is almost ready. Just before serving add Vanilla to the mixture give it a quick stir , then top it with Whipping cream or Marshmallows.
I hope you enjoyed this delicious Homemade hot chocolate recipe.

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