Chocolate Macaroon Recipe

Chocolate Macaroon Recipe can be the sweet, cute and really tasty treat for your sweet-heart at the Valentines Day. I have always loved these sweet Chocolate Macaroons and with Valentines day coming by, these would be really the perfect dish in this very day. This is an easy recipe and it is as follows:

Chocolate Macaroons
  • 1 1/3 cups mini semisweet Chocolate Chips (about 8 ounces), divided
  • 1 1/2 cups sweetened flaked Coconut
  • 2 large Egg Whites
  • 1/2 tsp Vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup Sugar
  • 1/4 tsp Salt
  • Preheat the oven to 325°F.
  • Line 2 large rimmed baking sheets with parchment paper. Place 1 cup chocolate chips in a bowl (microwave safe); microwave it on low setting at 10-second intervals until chocolate is melted, stirring occasionally. Cool just to room temperature.
  • Beat egg whites and salt in medium bowl very well using an electric mixture. Add sugar and vanilla, slowly beating until whites get thick and glossy.
  • Mix in melted chocolate and coconut and the remaining 1/3 cup chocolate chips.
  • Pour the batter into the baking sheets, each of them 1/2 inches apart.
  • Bake them for 10 minutes and reverse sheets. Bake until tops are dry and cracked. Tester inserted into centers should come out with moist crumbs attached, it should take about 10 minutes longer.
  • Cool these cookies on sheets on racks. Store airtight at room temperature up to 2 days.
Your lovely Chocolate Macaroons are now ready to be enjoyed. 

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