Pasta Bake Recipe

Pasta Bake is a fairly simple recipe, very easy to make, yummy, totally appetizing and a very good dinner option. Pasta Bake Recipe has a lots of its version, well my recipe of this Pasta bake is a little spiced up but a very easy Tuna Pasta Bake Recipe
Tuna Pasta Bake Recipe
Tuna Pasta Bake Recipe

Here is my recipe for Tuna Pasta Bake

Serves: 4

  • 250gm Pasta (Spiral)
  • 1 Tuna Can (125 gm)
  • 50gm Cheese , grated
  • 1 medium Onion, cut long in thin pieces 
  • 1 Tomato, cut into small cubes
  • 4 Green beans, cut into long thin pieces
  • 1 Green chili, cut into small circles
  • 1/2 Cup Green peas
  • Salt
  • 1 tsp Soy sauce
  • 1 pinch Black pepper
  • 1 tsp Cumin powder
  • 3 tbsp Sunflower oil
  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C
  • Boil the Pasta as indicated in the packet (until it just becomes soft and tender). Drain the hot water. Drain the pasta in cold water twice. Mix the pasta with 1/2 tbsp Oil and set aside. 
  • Heat oil in a frying pan. Put onion in it and fry until it turns light brown. Add beans, chili, green peas and tomato in the pan and fry for 2 minutes in medium heat.
  • Now put the Pasta in the pan. Add Salt to taste, black pepper and cumin powder and fry for 4 more minutes.
  • Mix Soy sauce in it and then add Tuna to the dish and cook for 1 more minute and turn off the heat.
  • Put the dish in a Oven proof bowl, and cover with the grated cheese.
  • Put the bowl in the Oven for 3 minutes (until the cheese melts and turns lightly golden).
  • Your dish is now ready to be served.
This was my easy Tuna Pasta Bake recipe. I hope you liked it.

Make this Pasta Bake even more lovelier with Shirley Temple Drink

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