Cauliflower Cheese Recipe

Cauliflower Cheese Recipe
Cauliflower Cheese Recipe is a fantastic British Cuisine Recipe, that is really simple to make, clean and healthy to eat, and serves as a wonderful side dish in your dinner. Cauliflower Cheese Recipe is one of the nearly forgotten English recipe which probably is because of easy available food in the market, but follow the simple recipe I have shared and you will know this English dish really deserves more than eating some preserved ready-made food.

Here is the Cauliflower Cheese Recipe:

  • 500 gm Cauliflower, cut into single florets 
  • 1/2 cup Cheddar Cheese,grated 
  • 1/3 cup Bread crumbs
  • 3 tsp Plain flour 
  • 3/4 cup Milk 
  • 30 gm Butter 
  • Microwave or steam the cauliflower until it gets tender.
  • Melt butter in a pan, add flour in it and cook, stir continuously until the flour gets golden brown.
  • Now, add milk to the browned flour slowly and continuously stirring. Keep stirring on a medium heat until the mixture thickens and boils.
  • Put the heat off, and put the cheese (save a little of it for next step) into the mixture. Keep stirring until all of the cheese melts.
  • Arrange the previously cooked cauliflower on a shallow dish for grilling.
  • Pour the prepared flour-cheese sauce over the cauliflower and sprinkle remaining cheese and the breadcrumbs on the top.
  • Place under a heated grill until bread crumbs are golden brown and the cheese melts.
Your Cauliflower Cheese is ready to be served. You may garnish it with a little of green herbs to make it look more delicious. Anyways, enjoy your meal.

1 comment:

  1. A very sumptuous recipe indeed! Thank you for sharing..i will definitely give this one a try soon..and to add more creaminess to the dish, I will add Blue Stilton Cheese since I have lots of it in the kitchen.
